You are currently viewing Episode 54 – How Our Conservative Portfolio Is Beating The 2024 Market

Episode 54 – How Our Conservative Portfolio Is Beating The 2024 Market

This is the summary of our conservative Retirement Portfolio. If you prefer to listen, you can tune in here.

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The last time we covered our portfolio was back in December. You can check out what we were holding back then here.

Since then we’ve made quite a few adjustments. We sold stocks that would put the portfolio at a level of risk that wouldn’t align with our conservative strategy.

Then with the proceeds of that money, we invested in better prospects.

Ticker metrics change as markets and companies change, so always do your own research.

The content on this site is based on personal experience and is for educational purposes, not financial advice. See full disclaimer here.

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Stocks We’ve Sold



Half of MMM



Half of AFG

Current Retirement Portfolio

We decided to break this down for easier viewing than just linking to our boring Google spreadsheet. These charts show the metrics for the stocks we currently own as of May 31st 2024.




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